Patient Participation Group (PPG)
The Patient Participation Group (PPG)
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group of people who are patients of the surgery and want to help it work as well as it can for patients, doctors and staff. The NHS requires every practice to have a PPG.
If you are interested in joining our Patient Participation Group, please write or email us with your full name, your contact details and the reasons why you would like to join our PPG. Applications cannot be taken over the phone. Your application will be passed onto the PPG chairman.
Please click here for our contact details.

PPG Patient Survey 2024
In February 2024 the PPG conducted a patient survey. A text message was sent to patients who had an appointment within the last month asking if they would fill in the survey.
We had a fantastic response rate, thank you to the 569 patients who took the time to complete the survey.
To view the results of this survey, please click here.
The PPG and the practice are working on making some changes in the area's our patients would like improvement. More information can be found in the PPG meeting minutes below.
If I join the Group, what will I be expected to do?
Your experiences matter and you can bring different ideas to the surgery to help us treat patients better or to improve what we do in some way. You will also gain a better understanding of the NHS, and gather feedback from other patients.
How often would I need to be involved?
Face to face meetings are held 2 – 3 monthly.
We are currently looking at setting up virtual meetings for patients who cannot attend in person.
Will my views be heard?
Your views are important and will be listened to. It may not be possible to act on every suggestion, but all feedback is very valuable. Working in a spirit of mutual respect, openness and trust, all patients' views will be discussed and, where appropriate, we will work together on solutions.
What if I no longer wish to be part of the PPG or I leave the surgery?
If you decide you no longer wish to be part of the PPG, you’ll need to let us know. Only patients who are registered with the surgery can belong to the group, so if you’re moving you need to write and let us know that you’ll no longer be involved with the group.