Carers Advice
Are You a Carer?
If you are a carer, or have a carer, we'd like to know so please tell us.
When you’re caring for someone, it’s really easy to neglect your own needs, whether it’s that hair appointment that you intend to book or the fact that you really should go and see your doctor but haven’t, yet, got around to asking for a consultation.
And yet – this is one of those times in life when it’s really important that you look after yourself. Caring can be very rewarding. It can also be extremely tiring, frustrating and lonely. If your own physical or mental wellbeing suffers, as a result of your involvement as a carer, then both you and the person(s) you’re caring for will suffer.

Am I a Carer?
Carers don’t come in any particular package. They can be children or adults, young or old, from all walks of life and any culture. The one thing that all carers have in common is that they provide unpaid support to family or friends who couldn’t manage without this help.
How Can We Help?
If we’re aware that you’re caring for someone, we can do several things to help:
- We like to record details of your caring responsibility in your medical record. This means that everyone in the practice team can easily acquaint themselves with your situation and take appropriate steps to prioritise healthcare requests for you, where necessary.
- Social Services can assess your situation and advise about additional help and support that may be due to you. You can self-refer to them or, if you need any help, we can arrange a referral on your behalf.
- In surgery, our notice board for Carers contains lots of helpful advice & information as well as contact details of support services.
- And, if you need a little extra information at any time, Our Carer’s Link will be happy to offer you any advice or support she can. Telephone the surgery and ask to speak with the Carer's Link, who will telephone you back if she’s not available when you call.
Cheshire West Carer Support
Cheshire West Carer Support can provide information such as regular newsletter and how to register for Carer's Emergency Card. They will inform you of any events happening in your area, advice and support available, including access to respite, emotional and financial support.
- Website:
- Helpline: 0300 102 0008 (Mon-Fri, 9am till 5pm)
- Twitter page: @cheshirecarers1
Carers UK
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
Telephone: 020 7378 4999